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Manx Aviation and Military Museum

Members of the Society visited the Manx Aviation and Military Museum on Thursday 31st July 2014 as part of our summer activities. We were met by Mr Ivor Ramsden and enjoyed a very comprehensive tour of the exhibits outlining the history of aviation on the island including descriptions of many wartime incidents and information which was previously unavailable due to reporting restrictions at the time.

Memorabilia and records of the Manx Regiment were also seen and we were amazed to hear that this small museum, housed as it is in former wartime buildings, holds the most comprehensive collection of artefacts of any British Light Anti-aircraft Unit in the British Isles.

We also saw photographs of many of the Royal Navy establishments and internment camps that were present on the island during the Second World War, bringing back memories for those of us who were around at that time.

Memorial Garden behind Aviation Museum

After a last look at the external exhibits and the Canadian Airmen’s Memorial we adjourned to the Whitestone Inn for an enjoyable meal to round off the evening. Thanks due to Doreen for organising the event.

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